The Mortal Instruments Trilogy
As I said in my post yesterday, I have been reading The Mortal Instruments Trilogy by Cassandra Clare. I finished the series today. I can easily say that these three books have made me more angry than any other book series I have read. I loved them.

If you are confused by this, let me explain. These books are each approximately 500 pages long. I read all three of them in four days. You do the math, that's a lot of pages. The books were beautifully written, and had a plot that drew you in. Clare also had the brilliance to have plot twists that frustrated you so much that you couldn't help but to continue reading, simply for your own peace of mind!

I enjoyed them, but again a word of caution before reading. If you do not like mythical creatures, do not read this series. As much as I have to laugh at this disclaimer, I am serious. I know that since Twilight most people are absolutely opposed to any book that contains mythical creatures. I was not aware that this series contained them at all, by the time I found out it was too late to turn back.

There is also some unsettling relationships that you must be prepared to handle if you prepared to handle. (The nature of which I won't say because that would ruin the story. :)) But all in all, they are beautifully written books with an extraordinarily complex plot. I encourage anyone who is up to the challenge to read them.


P.S. Apparently my comments aren't working, so I am posting a reply to my post for one of my forum friends.

"I agree on all counts - except I think Twilight's issue wasn't supernatural creatures, it was the fact that it encourages borderline abusive relationships ("because he loves me soooo much").

But I loved Cassandra Clare's trilogy - couldn't put it down. And the relationships were pretty darn disturbing at times!

For something which is only PG coz of some good healthy piratical killings, follow my twitter story from August 1.

username: Louise_Curtis_
name: Felicity Bloomfield"
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